Thursday 16 January 2014

pregnancy computer

Stand in front of a computer screen , or trying to harm you or your baby ?

In the 2nd half of 1970 " video display terminal ", the name given to a wide range of monitors being used. The growth of the Internet and computers, it is difficult to believe that the use of technological devices in the last 5 years almost become an indispensable part of our lives, bid . At the moment only 50 million computer users in the U.S. , and at least half of them are estimated to occur in women of reproductive age .

Computers can be measured at the beginning of 1980 in the amount of X - rays was found to yaymadıgı . American Hospital of Obstetrics and Department of Health Dr . Alper chandler , computers , even if the X-ray radiation is not high enough to cause congenital defects , he says.

Later , during pregnancy and childbirth, miscarriage in women who use the computer upon notification of problems , some of the terminals may be as harmful as the rays emitted by the claims of a former television devices stir .

This discussion is still going on today . Changes in the past few years, technology and data , as well as the electromagnetic field radiation ( EME ) brought the concept to the literature . EME will make electrical cables and electrical devices . EPC cells as opposed to radiation does not cause death , damage to genes nor Are made for a long time considered to be reliable .

The information we have at the moment does not increase the risk of miscarriage during pregnancy and the use of a computer monitor that is reliable .

Although the increase in risk associated with the computer , the majority of computer users in the neck , wrist , hand , and shoulder pain are available. However, problems may occur in the eyes of the people . This situation creates stress, and stress , many people have a negative impact on pregnancy .


Although the negative effects of computers have not been identified , is the subject of a speculative buy / take to fit . Pregnant women who use a computer and x-rays to screen for protection as well as at least one goal in ƏMədən proposed work is far from over . This distance is approximately 50 centimeters by 50 centimeters , and the strength of EMF radiation, and then disappearing .

Computer -related psychological and physiological stress can be reduced by properly regulated working hours and breaks . Again, the working environment and reduce the impact of stress on the design table . Comfortable chairs and tables. Muscle tension for a long time to work without interruption . All this creates anxiety in pregnant women . Zamanlada fit condition to take a break . For this purpose, it is enough to break 2 hours and 15 minutes . Hamiləyə stand up and walk a bit to good effect .

The results of a new method of cancer treatment

The new method is expected to be the first choice in the treatment of cancer

Australian scientists has devised a new method of treatment may be a glimmer of hope for cancer patients .

All over the world started to use this method to destroy the cancer cells are divided into radioactive particles , while healthy cells are protected .

The first option is to apply a new method , scientists are investigating whether cancer patients .

In this way, the healthy cells surrounding the tumor can fight better protected and liver disease .

Experts said the new method is more effective than treatment with chemotherapy , cancer treatment in the near future , the method will be the most appealing option is the hope .

office work causes cancer

Recent research scientists have shown that a sedentary mode of working for 10 years in a row can cause cancer . Such a significantly higher risk of bowel cancer in humans .
According to experts , even the fitness of such people does not help protect from cancer . To 8 hours each day engaged in sedentary increases the risk of developing the disease in any case .

Research has shown that " the victims of the office of" the number is growing every year . Just sit down each year in the UK is dealing with cancer is 40 thousand people , 16 thousand of them died .

Heart sever these five things

Heart " favorite " food products are available?

The human heart was only 300 grams , is men and women a bit heavy . For the survival of their owner , this small , but great body, 170 l of blood drives during the day . Of course it is also necessary to strengthen the body works . Heart " favorite " food products are available?

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Bilberry ( " cernika " )

Bilberry " the heart of food products" leads the list . He is considered the fruit of the most useful in the fight against heart disease . This fruit contains large amounts of antioxidants antosianinlər , which are dark - blue color qaragiləyə . At the same time liflə these precious berries ( pulp ) is rich in vitamin C . Both fresh and frozen remains useful properties . Bilberry is an essential product for the heart .


In addition to being an excellent source of protein, these cold water fish , as well as omega - 3 fatty acids for the heart , which is indispensable to the rich. Dietoloqlar recommend eating salmon 2 times a week . These fish are not only for the heart , all of the food product is very useful for the organism . In addition, it has an excellent taste .

Soybean ( a representative of the family of legumes )

Soya vegetable protein is considered to be a treasure . In addition , calcium , iron , magnesium , zinc , fiber , and rich in vitamins . All this is for your health , especially useful for the heart . Soy protein -rich diet and triglycerides in the blood , reducing the amount of cholesterol in angina , heart attack , stroke and prevent diseases such as .

Oatmeal ( " ovsyanka " , " qerkules " )

Oatmeal is very important to the healthy development of children in safe food. Oatmeal , minerals , vitamins , and is rich in liflə . An indispensable role in the prevention of heart disease and diet of oats is safe . This is confirmed in research conducted by a group of scientists . Oatmeal can also improve the digestive system , is able to prevent the formation of several types of cancer .

Spinach ( " spinat " )

For the first time, information about the benefits of spinach Moryak organism belongs to Popa . He vegetables are spinach , " kingdom ", " power plants" called . The minerals , vitamins ( especially folic acid and iron ) and Phytochemical compounds rich in beneficial for the heart , and the heart is a very valuable addition to the eye .

breast cancer

Every cell in our body has a long lifespan . Life span of the cells , the genetic material is written nuvələrindəki . Aging cell , tissue dies after work . This is the last part of the process of "planned cell death ," it said . Difference between cancer cells and other cells , "planned cell death " script go abroad , controlling the blooms .
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Healthy couple of times a cell can divide and when to die . Accordingly, cancer cells lose this information , begin to divide uncontrollably and form tumors that arise . If you break the leaves of cancer tumor cells arise , through the blood or lymphatic circulation goes to other parts of the body . To form tumor colonies where they go , and they continue to grow . Spread to other parts of the body , this form of cancer is called metastasis event .

Breast cancers tend to grow very slowly compared to cancers of other organs . Create a mass of 1 cm3 size of a cell, out of control , which means 7-10 years for breast cancer . Therefore, early diagnosis and treatment of these examinations is structured , that could save your life .

WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS breast cancer ?

Chance of success in the treatment of breast cancer and early detection of this disease is the main condition of recuperation . Cancer that has more than a few millimeters in diameter , can be seen even when mammoqrafiyada . In this case, the results of their treatment is successful . Therefore, the analysis of breast cancer patients with very sanslıdırlar often . Cancer symptoms occur when the tumor size of at least 1 cm or greater is reached . However , there is still the possibility of recovery from the disease completely . Therefore , continuous mammoqrafiyalar , ultrasound examination , and the doctor to come , every woman is very important to have knowledge about their own breast . Women's self- examination should focus on the following :

Palpable mass : Breast cancer is the most common symptom is often palpable mass. The crowd came to the hospital with symptoms of a sick feeling in the hand , this is the first time the crowd cyst or tumor to be distinguished . In the fluid-filled cysts are not cancerous and are not dangerous . But the masses of the two -layered solid tumor masses that frequently , these tumors must be examined and accurate diagnosis through a biopsy .

Breast discharge tip : early signs of breast cancer may be the tip of the breast discharge . In such cases, you need to go to the doctor . Discharge itself should flow easily , as a result of the contraction of the mammary gland to discharge is symptom of a disease . To check whether the mammary glands compressing the stream is not true . Discharge from the tip of breast diseases , hormonal diseases , for example , for the first time shortly after breastfeeding and milk channels occurs in diseases .

And the withdrawal of the tip of the symmetry breaking in the breast : breast cancer , many women may be minor differences between the two : one is larger than the other breast , or as the difference between the tips of the symmetry . These early childhood , and it is not a sign of any disease . But sometimes in very rare cases of early stage breast tumors arising at the tip of the right to enter into the causes of breast tip . Previously, both in the case of the normal breast and in an instant the tip of the symmetry or asymmetry of breast tips to enter into one - a very important symptom of breast cancer are considered.

Skin symptoms : Sometimes some of the symptoms of breast cancer occurs in the skin . Especially when it is close to the skin, mammary gland mass and the weight is felt more often by hand , as well as the skin symptoms occur. Mammary gland , but not over the long-term redness , scars , similar to orange peel appearance of the skin of the breast , skin inwards to a point, such as the withdrawal of cases should go to the doctor . Sometimes the breast stroke in the eye of some of the purple - blue color of veins is important for early detection of breast tumors simptomlardandır .

Breast cancer is diagnosed with the disease, ideally before the emergence of the above symptoms and start of treatment .

Diagnosis and treatment of breast

The main methods used for early diagnosis of breast cancer ultrasound and mammoqrafiyadır . Mammoqrafiyada suspicious mass or area ( mikrokalsifikasiya ) was found when the crowd needle biopsy or surgical biopsy is carried out according to the state . Form or in the case of mass can not be determined at MR biopsy can be performed before or instead .

One of the most important methods for diagnosing cancer using the air vent self-examination methods. In other words, women should examine themselves against the risk of illness or doctor come often . In addition to radiological methods biopsiyalara people to examine themselves , and can be considered to undergo periodic medical muayinəsəndən . Bumetodlardan , just one - to put an accurate diagnosis is through biopsy . The other helps you make a decision to carry out a biopsy methods .

Mammography and early diagnosis

Mammography in the early diagnosis of breast cancer as a valuable method for the gold . In the absence of any complaints the patient prevention can be carried out by the weight of the milk glands , breast discharge , or any other application tips for those who are used for diagnostic purposes .

Mammography is like a fingerprint , every woman is different and does not look like any other mammography . Therefore, the results of the examination of the way before you bring the mammoqrafiyanın . The difference between the new one shot before mammography can help diagnosis . When mammography was carried out at the appropriate time and in a painless method. Sikldən menstrual period after milk vəzilərindəki edema , tension and sensitivity due to less sikldən look for more to come next week, mammography examination is appropriate.

Mammography devices : analog , digital or digital -based is complete .

Analog system, the beam traces left on the interpretation of the film . Qurutulan washed reviewed and rated films . In contrast , full- digital or digital -based systems in the evaluation of digital images are read. Then, in order to give the patient being filmed . Analog to digital -based systems , or complete digital systems slowly leaving the location .

Mammography examination, a risk factor for breast cancer , and without complaint , each year as a result of normal women with breast examination should be conducted on a regular basis . Examination carried out on a regular mammography saves lives of patients and society reduces mortality from breast cancer due . And mammography x-ray examination of the lungs from the radiation beam dozadadır muayinəsindəkindən less .

Biopsy : Breast tissue samples were frozen in accordance with the conditions , cut , painted , review under the microscope . In this way the histopathology diagnosis of breast cancer diagnosis , and the only way to accurately diagnose .

Biopsy can be taken in two ways : a needle biopsy and surgical biopsy. Needle biopsy needle to the suspicious area or with the help of pulp tissue sample is taken. Surgical biopsy of a suspicious area or the operating conditions are completely out of the crowd .

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Feet : Treatment and prevention

1 1 or 2 times depending on the degree of complications in vascular surgery of the foot and by Podiatr recommend checking . Through a special apparatus may check the status of vascular surgical arteries .
2 1 year depending on the condition of the heart and cardiogram to check a few times to start isemiyanın need to dig up commenced .

3 2 -fold expansion in vascular preparations - fleksital , vasdilen , fludilat need to be taken . If you do not angiopatiya , fleksital prophylaxis 400 mg tablet twice a day for 40-60 days 1 , need to be taken 2 times a year . If you have already started to angiopatiya fleksital 400 mg twice a year for a period of 40-60 days is recommended to be taken 2-3 times a day . Sometimes the most powerful tool fleksitalin Amplua issued in the form it is necessary to inject the drug venous drip inside .

 This course is recommended to repeat the treatment 2 times a year . It should be borne in mind , fleksitalin not inject fluid into venous drug spislə . I just drip an hour, hour and a half for the need to transfer . In addition, the veins may affect venous within the fundus yeridərkən fleksital , so you should consult with okulist prior to its adoption .

4 2 times in the course of treatment is the recommended amount of vitamin complexes təyini doctor . At this time qruppları B vitamins , nicotinic acid is recommended setting .
5 If necessary, reduce the level of cholesterol , blood vessel expansion , which restores the structure of the nervous tissues are used in medicines .


If retinopathy is damage to the small blood vessels - the result of mikroangiopatiyanın , feet complications arise due to damage blood vessels and nerves endings . Gives rise to the major arteries of cholesterol yumaqcıqlarını blood sugar , causing deterioration of the permeability of blood vessels . As a result, the conductivity decreases, arteries , tissues, the blood supply is disrupted , weakening the flow of blood , tissues, blood circulation difficult.

Thus , your feet are exposed to two types of changes : changes to diabetic ( which deals with the treatment of the paw on the physician's professional Podiatr ) and xolesterininin medium and large arteries as a result of damage related to high- level changes ( vascular surgeon deals with these diseases ) . Sometimes it happens that with the change to the appearance of both the treatment of cardiovascular and vascular surgery Podiatr holds together . According to the development of drug therapy is the treatment of Podiatrın pəncələrin . Cərahları vascular surgical operations being carried out by the leg veins . Diabetic foot complications from diabetes was frequent , the doctor Endocrinology it has good information , but it would be better to deal with the treatment of Podiatr .

There is a wide variety of symptoms during therapy so that they can operate together or separately, these are :

feet feeling cold ;
loss of sensations and numbness in the feet ;
At the touch of a piece of clothing and bedclothes gəlmiyən pleasant feeling of thirst (most nights of the show itself ) ;
occasional strong keyləsməsi pəncələrin ;
atrophy of the muscles ;
sıyrıntıların poor wound healing : healing and recovery after 1-2 weeks instead of 1-2 months, dark scars remain
If baldırlarda quiet nights of intense pain

Further development of the new stages of the disease - atherosclerosis , which leads to the lower extremities obliterassiya . The initial sign of the disease is due to the pain that baldırlarda time to move , causing the patients own stride . So stop - stop on the walk of pain patients .

Stadiyalarda later than the following symptoms occurs :
1 proqresləsir atrophy of muscles ;
2 goyumtul take on the color of the lower extremities are cold ;
3 abrasions , minor wounds heal may occur .

Formation and healing of wounds later regenerassiya cells ( recovery ) that is linked to a decline in capacity , it is the result of a complete angiopatiya and neyropatiyanın . Pəncədəki sore feet and very carefully for any change in the approach you need to take control of the first legs, abrasions , scab ( for example, mosquito bites , while goynəmə ) is necessary to protect second form , if you come to any wound , the doctor should be consulted. So there is a fear of the wound gangrene transformation , it is now practical guidance developed through special preparations and methods need to be treated .
Diabetic gangrene for many reasons : mikrotravmalar chronic diseases , causing frost or burning , calluses , or the nail may occur as a result of entering into the meat . There are different types of diabetic qanqrenanın (dry , wet etc. ) , but we do not have a classification , the basic facts of this dreadful disease concerns.

Above, we showed qanqrenanın reasons , it is necessary to know the following :
1 gangrene of foot and toes are most often occurs after trauma ;
2 pain is a very painful time of gangrene ;
3 qangrenanın surgical intervention is the only treatment that has damaged the region's amputation (if it is not operated on the patient will die of intoxication ) ;
4 amputation of the upper border of healthy tissue is damaged nahiyyənin carried out . This means that if the thumb of the foot qanqrenadırsa , all you have to pəncəni , if you lose a leg and foot injured leg, mid- old boy .

We have noted above that the only part of the body is injured foot during angiopatiya diabetic , this disease affects the arteries leading to the heart and brain nutrition breaks . Therefore you need to carefully monitor the condition of the heart and brain symptoms .

Neyropatiyasının angiopatiyası lower extremities , and when it started to develop its initial stadiyası ? Many of these factors - the patient's age , when ill , and what type of diabetes , duration of diabetes, disease , and most importantly, the resistance of the organism to maintain blood glucose depends on the quantity . If the blood sugar is too high angiopatiya constantly , and neuropathy within a year , but in other cases may develop within 2-10 years . Is offset by better blood sugar , blood sugar is always kept close to normal limits , that is being developed at an early age goca these cases , rather than the diabetic changes , not age-related . Formation and neyropatiyanın Angiopatiya smoking , arterial hypertension , there is a very negative role .

It should be noted that the blood supply to the joints as a result of angiopatiya violated , it causes damage to the joints , and age-related processes have intensified : it implies that the thinning of the cartilage tissue eaten , salt deposition occurs , ( ) is a joint development of the bones of the grooves . The resulting motion is limited , and the joints of the toes , heel , knee , elbow , thigh - the pelvis , shoulder joints , spine pain arises . Angiopatiya patients aged 70 or older and not so great neyropatiyanın threat : disease eventually led to gangrene cıxartmırsa proqresləsirsə and accidents such people live their lives . Ages 30-60 who are active in humans, however, the situation is quite different . First of all - life complications during the next few decades , it may be more severe in the second - with the continuation of a longer life is more likely that the formation of gangrene . That's why the initial negative symptoms began his feet as the must-see events . Unfortunately, even in its initial stages and this is not an exhaustive treatment of neuropathy Stadium angiopatiya and can take 8-15 years . Prevent the deterioration of the situation to further expansion of the cardiovascular drugs , drugs that reduce pain , although the best method of treatment for diabetes is a good compensation . Good condition in diabetes , the blood sugar does not as high as in previous years , the small blood vessels and nerve regeneration ( recovery ) begins , resulting in numbness in the foot , and there is a feeling of thirst , abrasions heal better baslayırBu recovery process is very slow - you only 1-2 years during the normal level ( 9mmol / l above ) that can keep blood sugar can feel the improvement . However, the recovery is underway and this is the best tool in the fight against angiopatiya .

It should be noted that changes in the feet , both type 1 and type 2 diabetes is developing in the same way , but here perspektivalar different. Type 1 diabetes is not possible to have enough konpensassiyaya , this is very bad . Because the only means konpensassiyanin insulin and diet does not help , there is no other remedy .
The situation is different in patients with Type II diabetes : the insulin does not effect glucose lowering pills may apply . However, there is the psychological factor is very important , and this fear of insulin and glucose lowering agents in patients despite no help from their many years setting , resulting in the formation of many chronic complications . One of our goals is to educate our patients with diabetes and discourage such səhflərdən . So the only solution to avoid səhflərin insulinlər , syringes , injection methods , knowledge about hipoqlekemiya to learn .

So if you reduce the sugar pills does not help you , it is not necessary to wait for the appearance of complications , and insulin must comply with the doctor's advice . Inyeksiyasına insulin will need to go through , but in the event of complications murrəkəbləsir . Insulin resistance after 1-2 years , you will feel that you can not achieve appropriate kompensassiyaya , improves vision , a feeling of coldness ayagınızdaki disappears . Unfortunately , however , it is not possible to completely treat angiopatiyanı - then you have already created.

Diyetanı sweet drinks , which is an important factor in unhealthy

So long , sweet drinks in modern society have adopted a real problem . Very often these harmful and tempting food manufacturers are proposals for the appointment of an additional tax .

First , the impact of children's health is much more than in the cafe after - school and the children themselves , usually it takes large amounts of alcohol to drink them . And no harmful warning does not affect them .

Then , sweet drinks are unhealthy , but no less harmful not only a component of a diyetanın . If you think that is harmful to children poured their stomach , fast food , sweets , biscuits , various sweets , then we can say that the current generation is just səkərləndirildiyini ...

Such an unhealthy diet at an early age , stomach , digestive system , pancreas , kidneys , liver , heart related problems. Thus, these products are harmful and sometimes dangerous actions against the government for not acting independently of all the products you need to check the child 's mouth .

As I said earlier - sugary beverages and more difficult than fighting : They may look harmless , and it is clear they are delicious , but it should not be able to mislead us . The only damage to the abundance of sugar , but also man-made chemicals, preservatives , dyes , food additives is well . First, temporary , then you need to completely eliminate the use of sugary drinks , yes they are accustomed to , and even creates dependence , in order to defeat this bad habit - just depends on the will of the parents , and themselves , but also to convince their children that sugary drinks denial - a tool to make their lives healthier . In addition , we evaluate the role of weight , and it is still sweet icgilərin icgilərin advertising is no longer a limitation , measures should be taken to ensure the prohibition of the sale .

What is obesity

Known as obesity or obesity among the population , resulting from the accumulation of fat in the body too much and not necessarily a disease that must be treated . Obesity , dietary energy content , metabolism, and physical activity occurs in the case exceed the amount of energy consumed .
Obesity , the human body, the heart and vascular system , the respiratory system , hormonal system , digestive system, such as systems that affect and concern in many important predisposing disease.

Heart disease , high blood pressure , diabetes , high cholesterol , respiratory disorders , rheumatic diseases, Neurosis , infertility , impotence , diseases of the gall bladder , kidney and gall bladder stone formation , some types of cancer , a few of the diseases caused by obesity .
As a result, obesity shortens lives and quality of life can be defined as a disease that affects mənf . According to studies, obesity , especially in the last 20 years , all over the world to grow rapidly and spread like an epidemic . The outbreak in the affected country . About half of the female population , male population , about 40% of the obesity , the fat .
How obesity is measured ?
The most widely used measurement for obesity , body mass index and waist circumference measure .

BMI value and meaning
BMI , body weight ( kg ) , neck squared ( m² ) is calculated by dividing . This value is independent of age and sex . However , the use of BMI in children , pregnant women and people with a right does not result in a very muscular , so it should not be used .
BMI calculation are two examples :

Ms. Fatma weight 70 kg , height 1.60 m.
Therefore, the value of BMI Lady of Fatima :

70 / ( 1.60 ) ² = 70 / 1.60 x 1.60 = 70 / 2.56 = 27.34 kg / m² , respectively.
Hasan Bey , the weight of 90 kg and is 1.70 m in height .
Therefore, the value of Hasan Bey BMI :

90 / ( 1.70 ) ² = 90 / 1.70 x 1.70 = 90 / 2.89 = 31.1 kg / m² , respectively.

Health professionals , BMI values , normal weight , overweight and obesity in the form of allocated groups .

BMI value

18.5 kg / m² , the lower ones

18.5-24.9 kg / m² those of
normal weight

25-29.9 kg / m² those of
excess weight

30-34,9 kg / m² those of
Obesity , 1st degree

35-39,9 kg / m² over the those
Obesity , the 2nd degree

And above 40 kg / m² over the those
Obesity , 3 - year degrees

is defined as .
According to this classification , Mrs overweight , obesity in Hassan Bey .
According to this formula, and the table you can appreciate yourself .

Calculate your BMI and weight the correct information about your worth .
Waist circumference measurement and meaning
The total amount of fat in the body is important , but the accumulation of fat is more important than knowledge . Yıgılmasıi fat in the abdomen , hips and other parts of the body fat can lead to health risks than yıgılmasıindən . This risk is simple , yet accurate method to measure waist circumference

Increased risk of high -risk

Male > 94 cm and > 102 cm

Women > 80 cm, > 88 cm

ACCEPT the amount of saturated fat and cholesterol how you can mitigate .

dairy products
• Complete low-fat or fat-free milk instead of milk quality Accept .
• Sour cream , plain yogurt instead of sour cream and mayonezin - Try low-fat food .
• the consistency of mashed potatoes instead of sour cream , fat-free or low-fat reached the level of use of cottage cheese with lemon juice .

• Regular cheese instead of a simple and low-fat cheese or low-fat , low-fat cottage cheese puree accept .
• The most popular ice cream instead of low-fat or fat-free frozen yogurt , ice cream or sorbet receive .

• Reduce the frequency of egg intake . Thus, it is not recommended to have more than 3-4 weeks . It would be better to use egg substitutes .

• full of culinary recipes egg egg albumen ( egg whites ) and əvəzləyin . Thus, a complete egg , two egg whites uygungur .

Ordinary marqarinlə - butter , bacon fat culinary pie -shaped , liquid , light , try replacing dietary marqarinlə . This will allow you to accept unsaturated fat .

Unsaturated oils , butter and margarine substitutes .
Teaspoonful of salt , not more than preparing a meal , use of unsaturated fats .
- Do not use a lot of fat , juicy green shoots for this purpose , use non-fat or diet broth .

Souslarını the usual salad sauce simple and lean - fat -based substitutes . In addition to the usual salt and pepper in a salad with lemon juice or dish is even more delicious .

• If you are accustomed to eat less meat . One should not be more than 3 ounces of meat tikəsinin - about the size of the card group .
• tikəsindən more prosaic pieces of fatty meat during cooking Opt . Ətlərə lean beef , langeti beef , pork fillet , ox meat back on your feet . applies .
• It is best if you avoid using oil when cooking meat , eg wheat, use the stove or grill lean .

poultry meat
• Use a meat chicken breast or hinduskanın . This food is very low in fat .
• Do not eat the skin of the bird .

Opt for the fish to eat . Unsaturated fats that are naturally low-calorie fat content of the fish . Fish oil contains omega - 3 , which was attributed to unsaturated fatty acids , you are protected from cardiovascular diseases .
Instead of wheat or water and cook fish to fry .

Moderate amounts of protein
Are animal and vegetable proteins . While proper nutrition, protein, fewer calories , less fat and fewer nutrients should xolesterinli . Meat , eggs , milk and cheese are considered foods rich in protein . These foods are rich in saturated fats and xolesterinlə . If you prefer these foods , it is better to lean istsfadı pieces .
As a source of protein in chicken meat ( skin) , fish and fish products use .
Xolesterinlə kasaddırlar above-mentioned products and saturated fats .
Besides, vegetable protein foods , such as beans ( beans , peas , lentils ) , cereals and vegetables iasifadə can adjust the balance of the protein . The products of protein, fat and poor xolesterinlə . Nut and vegetable seeds are rich in unsaturated fats and protein .

Vegetable fibers and starch, nutrient -rich foods
One of the two main types of carbohydrates , starch ( the other main type of sugar) . Carbohydrates - sugar in the blood , which has become the most important food product.
Starchy foods , bread , flour products , rice , and other grain crops include beans and peas . It is a very small amount of fat and cholesterol in the majority of starchy products .

Cellulose fibers, plant nutrients , and should not be digested by the body , although it relates to the total energy . These include fruits , vegetables , legumes ( beans of various kinds , peas , lentils ) or are part of the yarmalarin . All of these low -calorie and low amounts of fats and cholesterol content does not .

Most foods are found in the form of sodium salt . Canned products containing too much salt , salted , dried meat, sausages and smoked products (breast meat , smoked sausage, sausages , etc.). , Marinad , cheese , salad dressings , mustard , ketchup , soy sauce , flakes for breakfast , a quick prepared soups , frozen, ready-made soups , salty snacks ( chips , salted krendel ) applies .

How to reduce salt intake
Opt - soups little salt and the salt forms .
Pickled products , preservatives ( vegetables , legumes , fish , clam and meat products )
rinse with cold water for 1 minute to remove natrumu .
Jerk sausages , meat products and instead opt for the other .
- Sorbanıza lemon juice , perfumed vinegar, pepper , garlic , onion , salt , add sauces or other herbs .

Moderate use of sugar
Sugar is one of the two major types of carbohydrate ( other basic types - starches product , see above ). Carbohydrates - the main food product , whether it regulates the amount of glucose in your qanınızdakı . Experiments show that there is no difference between starch sugar raises blood glucose levels . Therefore, a small amount of sugar in nutrition you can participate in the scheme .
Sugar , honey, syrup ( full səkərlətməmis hard substance composed of starch ) , syrups ( eg, corn and maple ) , have been refined sugar ( table sugar, cane sugar , sugar ) and natural sugar ( milk and fruit laktozası fruktozası ) applies .
The natural sugar content of food products, vitamins , mineral products , vegetable fibers and proteins are also available. Some foods that have been adding a bit of sugar , allow them : to buy breakfast flakes, bread and bakery products , sauces , etc for salads . Some high-calorie and fatty foods, sugar is added to the ready : chocolate , ice cream and so on.
Other səkərlərə less than fructose raises blood glucose . Xolseterinin you can increase the level of large amounts of fructose . Therefore there is no need to replace fruktozanı other səkərlərlə .

Konsentrantlarını səkərlərlə compared to other fruit juices or make them the same effect . These products are the same and the blood sugar and other caloric səkərlərlə raises the same amount . In general, the use of sugar or to reject or minimize the need.

Tuesday 14 January 2014

How to build wings with the help of dumbbells

Increase in operating weight and adjust the intensity - The proposed set of exercises to practice at home will help give your body the relief forms and prepare the muscles for a more challenging workout in the fitness club.

How to build wings with the help of dumbbells - Latissimus dorsi help shape any athlete to give exactly the massiveness on which it is called a real athlete. Inflated and developed wings, namely the broadest back wonderful flaunt along with quite well-muscled arms, chest and press.

To get started you just need to remember that we should not only pay close attention to one particular muscle group. This should not be done because at fairly long workout exceptional one muscle group, the athlete will remain even after her underdeveloped and will not have the necessary effort by direct muscle tension. Your attention will be presented below two exercises for the development of the wings using dumbbells.

Exercise first - Video on "How to build muscle using dumbbells spokes". First you need to take one dumbbell in your hand. Leg should also be put forward, and slightly bend the knee. Second leg should also pull back and bend at the knee. Hand, which is free, should rest the right knee. Occupied dumbbell arm should be lowered down to complete relaxation.

Now you need to pull the dumbbell until such time as the shoulders will not directly parallel to the body. It remains only to lower the dumbbell back.

The entire complex training exercises at home

Stand tall, hands with dumbbells should be at shoulder level gradually lowered until thighs parallel to the floor will be. With a flick of your back straight and squeeze the dumbbells up. Does this exercise 15 to 30 times?

Slopes with dumbbells - Lean forward so that the Corps was parallel to the floor. Arch your lower back. Hands with dumbbells should be lowered by deploying a single line. Follow craving dumbbells to his belt. Elbows should be near the trunk. Perform 15 times.

Twisting with fitball - During training at home is an exercise is performed lying on the floor. Hands should be clasped behind his head. Knees should be bent, and between them have to pinch fitball. Must simultaneously raise the trunk and legs head with the pull to the knees; repeat the exercise 20 to 30 times.

The entire complex training exercises at home should take turns. Break between exercises - no more than 30 seconds. After completing a circle consisting of all of the above exercises, take a break of 1.5 to 2 minutes and proceed to re-execute the exercises. All the training in the home consists of a set of data exercises performed 2-3 times.

Weight dumbbell for training at home need to find a way to experience the greatest severity during the last execution of repetitions, workout at home need to exercise regularly, 3 -4 times a week for 1 month.

A set of exercises for training at home

They can perform at home and do not necessarily spend money on expensive sports clubs. But keep in mind that exercise needs to be changed periodically by pumping the remaining muscle groups. Since performing day-to-day the same exercise over time result will no longer be effective.
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A set of exercises for training at home - spring has come and very soon we will fully pass on the spring and later in the summer wardrobe. So if you have not purchased a subscription to a gym or fitness club, this article is for you! For workouts at home need a minimum amount of equipment: rope, a pair of dumbbells and fitball.
The time allotted for training at home, you must use the maximum benefit.

In these exercises, more likely resort muscles of the arms and legs, but fat is burned throughout the body, workout at home help to strengthen muscles and increase endurance of the body.

Jumping rope – You need to jump rope at a brisk pace for 1-1.5 minutes. If you experience difficulties while playing with a rope, they can replace conventional jumping on the spot.

It should be at arm's length to take the emphasis lying. Socks put on fitball. In this exercise you need during pushups constantly monitor the balance using feetball doing push-ups more effective. If you cannot fix the socks on fitball, perform, resting on fitball knees. During training at home is an exercise worth repeating at least 20 times.

The most effective exercises using a dumbbell triceps

Legs can bend slightly so they do not hang out and do not interfere thereby. Next slowly tightens, throwing his chin on the bar, and also slowly lower yourself. No sudden movements do not need to, since you quickly squandered all the energy and just cannot feel the full load.
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 If you are unable to do even one pull-up, then for the first time can restrict half recovery. This exercise will be more effective if done in the company, when one pulls on 1 time, then 2 and so on, each time increasing the load, after all the excitement and desire to win, able to bring a lot of energy.

Dumbbells - One of the most effective exercises using a dumbbell triceps - this extension of the arms back. Legs must arrange shoulder width apart. And in each hand, you need to take the dumbbell.

Then lean forward and begin to bend and straighten your elbows so that they are aligned with the body. Throughout the exercise can not straighten his back.

This exercise is relatively easy, so it is suitable to any beginner. Professionals but it is also used at the end of their training, to finish off the triceps

. Because in addition to men and women tend to make the figure more sports, then this exercise is ideal for them. All the exercises are most effective for training triceps.

- Bench press because of the head in a sitting position

Once you have accepted this position, take a barbell grip so that will not exceed 30 cm and then bend your arms to stop them and gently unfold. It is important to remember that this exercise should not be done at a furious pace; otherwise triceps not receive the necessary load.

For the first time will be sufficient to perform 15 repetitions. In the future, the amount of weight on the bar and bench presses can be increased, but this thing is not to overdo, as you risk getting hurt.

Bench press because of the head in a sitting position - Feet should be shoulder width apart. Then take the top post grip, the palms were placed shoulder-width apart. Then lift the rod up and slowly start to unbend his arms to the bar was behind the head.

Forearm thus should be parallel to the floor. Embarking on this exercise is necessary to the preparation, since otherwise, your triceps will simply not be ready to receive a load.

Horizontal bar is the most versatile trainer. With the change of grip, exercises on the bar will be effective for both biceps and triceps. If you want to pump up your biceps, you should hold on to the lower horizontal bar grip if triceps - that overhead.
But since you want to pump up the triceps, therefore, you need to grab the top bar grip. Try to relax your body as much as possible, and focus on the hands.

- To concentrate on the area of the front load deltas

It streamlines the front deltoids, isolating them from other (secondary deltas and thoracic), creates relief, gradually increasing their volume. To concentrate on the area of the front load deltas, practice bench dumbbell in front of him. So how do this exercise:

Original position - stand with back erect, in the lowered hands in front of the thighs are dumbbells, elbows slightly bent (to prevent injury).

The following types of exercises that you can choose your own: a neutral grip (palms facing inward) or upper (palms should be directed to the hips).

Before lifting dumbbells need to inhale deeply and hold your breath. During the exercise monitor to hand necessarily be parallel to each other, and your elbows bent persisted.

Lifting is performed up to the shoulders, and then - with a smooth exhalation should slowly lower the dumbbells.
Before repeat the exercise, be sure to stop for a second.

For more productive work can take more weight dumbbells, lifting their neutral grip 45 degrees above the shoulders. This causes the muscles to grow, forcing them to work to a greater extent.

Most muscle work medium beam (front part) and the location of the front beam is at hand position of 45 degrees from the start position and the end point of 45 degrees above the shoulders at this point, the entire aforementioned work maximum delta.

Subtleties development embossed press

So if you want to pump up the wings and achieve good results start to perform all these exercises it today and do not delay each day later. The only way you will get the desired results.

Subtleties development embossed press - Many athletes dream of beautiful cubes on the press, for the achievement of which accounts for a very long and hard to train. However, there is a feature that if a person will always do the exercise by the same method, the desired result will never is. This begs the question:

how to build oblique abdominal muscles?
All the matter is that such a prominent terrain consists not of one, but an inseparable totality muscles (straight, transverse, oblique), and achieve its implementation through regular special set of exercises developed by each of them. Consequently, the exercise by the same method of improving a certain category of muscles, but this is not enough.
Oblique muscles, like everything else, should be given special attention.

Next painted a variety of exercises, and if perform as described daily, the side muscles necessar
ily be involved in the work and will start to improve. Over time, you will surely achieve a beautiful muscular relief.
Performed lying on the floor or on a hard couch - Next, turn on its side and resting his elbow and hand to the floor (sofa), keep your feet together, gradually picking up.


Friday 10 January 2014

To pump up the legs

"Drop" above the knee, split the quadriceps tendon, which securely hold these muscles on the grounds of bones - it's not all that is in our hips. Inside a lot of muscle mass, this gives the force at our feet. There are enough fiber to push yourself up with a barbell on your shoulders about three hundred pounds.

Or squeeze the legs, lying, 600-700 pounds, for example. Some very strong individuals shake a few feet more than a ton! Imagine what potential lies in the depth of thighs! At the same time we long to move continuously, virtually without tiring. Just look at marathon runner’s racers or cyclists. This is the living embodiment of endurance.

Yes and powerful top does not look harmonious with weak bottom of the human body. To pump up the legs - all you need to maximize the use of their muscles all deep potentials, about which you will learn in this article. Medial muscle group takes place in thigh area.

The most superficial muscle is thin, flat and long. This muscle begins on the lower side of the pubic symphysis and the lower branch of the pubic bone. Muscle attaches to the medial side of the upper part of the tibia where gracilis tendon involved in the formation of surface goose foot. Muscle leads hip flexes and turning inward shin.

What to do during pregnancy

Drinking during pregnancy is more culturally acceptable in Europe and Australia, where the woman pregnant drink more openly than in the United States. But many doctors in the United States , as Dr. Michael Brooder , author of " Panic -Free Pregnancy " ( Perigee Trade , 2004) , also quietly allow their patients  had one drink alcohol occasionally - particularly after the first trimester .
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Myth: Chewing gum stays in your stomach for long.
Myth: Chewing gum stays in your stomach for 7 years.
While it is true that many of the ingredients of the gum , such as resins and waxes , are indigestible , that does not mean that they are our intestines an eternity.

Plenty of what we eat - even things that are recommended to eat as fiber - is indigestible. But the system digestive is a piece of sturdy machine organic, and anything that does not can absorb moves along.

Spite of rigidity and consistency strange chewing gum , " it passes straight through your digestive tract and into the toilet , " explained Freeman .
Myth: You should wait an hour after eating before swimming.
Myth: You should wait an hour after eating before going swimming.

This myth has ruined many summer afternoons , forcing young and old to swelter while fresh water motions - all because they were careless enough and will eat one pachinko and .

Let the ban be lifted : There's no particular reason not to swim after eating, Freeman said  Truth, any kind of vigorous exercise can be uncomfortable (though not dangerous ), after a banquet huge .

But for the majority of web - whose border ague have the dining experience includes sand sprinkled fries and sandwiches - This and a concern.

Drinking liquids during meals not fattening

Drinking liquids during meals not fattening
The quantity indicated is only a glass of any liquid per meal. What happens and that can be harmful to the body is to eat and take fluids excessively, action that expands the stomach and consequently causes a tendency to gain weight and increase belly.

3 weight loss myths debunked
MYTH: You can lose 10 pounds in two weeks.
TRUTH: You probably can lose 10 pounds in two weeks if you do a diet, but you will feel terrible and most of the weight will come back once you start eating normally.

Really To lose 1 pound, you need to "eliminate" 3,500 calories, the amount stored in one pound of fat by eating less and moving more.
If you cut 500 calories (or cut or burn 300 200 through exercise) every day of the week, you will lose about a pound a week. And that is weight loss. Actual

MYTH: If you exercise, you can eat as much as you want.

TRUTH: Unless you are exercising like an Olympic athlete , to lose weight you still need to keep an eye on how many calories you are eating 'calories  add up much faster than "calories .

Losing " Consider this: two cookies Average cost you about 400 calories. To burn 400 calories, the average person must run or walk four kilometers .

MYTH: You should expect to be hungry to eat.


Myth: Cold weather makes you patient
"This myth is common worldwide, but it is not true,” said Freeman My Health News Daily.
Studies have shown that they can feel more cold symptoms - real or imagined - when we are in the cold (after all, a cold is called a cold for a reason), but the temperature does not make us more susceptible to . Virus

This is known since at least 1968, when a study in the New England Journal of Medicine showed what happened when the researchers exposed people cold to rhinovirus (one cause of the common cold).

Trembling was in a room cold or stuttering in a bath of ice, people were no more likely to get sick but only after coming into contact with germs from the cold than those who were in temperatures more comfortable.

And if you're already sick, there's no reason you cannot leave to the cold
While rest is good for a diseased body , temperatures cold will not make a difference in recovery time, Freeman said.
 Indeed, while the research is in its early stages, " it is possible that exposure to cold can even help your body somehow, "she said.

Some scientists speculate that colds are more common in the colder months because people stay at home more , interacting more closely with each other and giving the germs more opportunities to spread.

Taking Myth of liquid during fattening meals?
 Some consider a glass of soda or any other liquid essential at mealtime.
Others are totally against drinking any kind and / or amount of liquid in the schedule of food and then? Net take during fattening meals? Check it out here.

About health and beautiful skin

 More recent studies have failed to find any correlation between days fertile and when a couple has sex and the sex of the baby, explains Dr. Rachel Freeman, co- author of “not Swallow Your Gum! Myths, half-truths and outright lies about your body and health "(Griffin St. Martin’s, 2009)
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The only way you can trust to choose the sex of their baby is with the help of technology.
Some truths and myths about health and beauty 2

Truths and Myths Unravel the myths about health and beauty skin wash her head everyday rots the roots of his hair leading to his downfall? Myth
The daily hair washing does not interfere with the hair bulbs. The strands which fall during washing fall anyhow, at another time, as already were in the process of falling. Washing the head with hot water makes the hair?

Fall Myth. However, in people with seborrhea dermatitis, should avoid the hot water, which stimulates the production of sebum, and can worsen the disease and promote the loss of hair.
 Use hair cap is? Fall Mito.

 The use of hat hair does not fall but can, in some people who do not take the hat from his head all day, serious conditions like seborrhea dermatitis, favoring the loss of hair. Conditioner can cause hair loss?

 Myth In people with no tendency to hair conditioner will not cause the fall of the same.
 However, in people with seborrhea dermatitis and hair loss, should avoid the conditioner reaches the scalp, using only the wires since

TV cause damage to your vision

“Whether you've been assessed by a doctor, and he said that you have a mild concussion you do not need to worry that someone has to wake him every hour, "she said.

Myth: Reading in the dark or sitting too close to TV cause damage to your vision.
Myth: Reading in the dark or sitting too close TV cause damage to your vision
Dim light or sitting too close to TV undoubtedly can make your eyes work so that they hurt. But no evidence that these practices cause long-term damage, Freeman said.

Myth of TV may have begun in the 1960s, and at that time it may have been true.
Few sets of color TV in the early emit large amounts of radiation that could have caused damage to the eyes, but this problem has been remedied, and TV today and computer monitors are relatively safe, she said.

If you or your child tends to sit so close to the computer or TV that hurts the eyes, it may be time to verify myopia. But sitting too close does not create a need for glasses - even if you buy glasses can correct the defect.
Myth: When you have intimate determines the sex of your baby.

When you have intimate determines the sex of your baby.
Parents have two types of sperm: those who do boys and those who do girls. Some say the body of a mother will be more hospitable to sperm of boy or girl during certain times of the Cycle And so, the theories go, when a couple has sex can determine if conceiving a boy or girl .

Though few studies have supported methods for sex selection

Life threatening illness rating to pork

The old habit of that pork should be cooked well is based on the transmission of the parasite Tarantella spirals, whose larvae may be present in meat pork (also in wild game) .

The Cooking kills the parasite. But, is known for a long time that the larvae of Trish inlay die at temperatures considerably lower than necessary for the well- spent
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Old habits die hard, however, the roast pork loin countless were cooked the hardness of leather, as a result.
Many chefs and home cooks have long known that pork with a little pink still in the center is perfectly safe.
Now the USDA is finally wising up - they changed the temperature recommended internal to whole cuts of pork from 160 degrees

Fahrenheit to 145 degrees, with a rest period of 3 minutes after removing from heat
Notice that the temperature of 160 degrees is still recommended for ground pork
MYTH: Got to stay awake if you have had a concussion.

Myth: You need to stay awake if you have had a concussion.
Concussions are fairly common and, though they always deserve attention medical, they are rarely serious or life-threatening.

Notices to stay awake after a concussion too big probably born from a misunderstanding of a particular type of head injury - which involves bleeding brain - when a "period Lucid " is followed by a coma ., or worse But it is very unusual and not belong to people with concussions normal Freeman said.

Myths about the menstrual cycles

Behold another problem for the theory of such bodily tides
 How the gravitational force depends on the distance and how the distance between the Moon and Earth practically does not change (the Moon's orbit is elliptical rather well), the tides are not caused by the moon phase

Yes, the tides are strongest at full moon and new moon, but only because these periods the Moon and Sun are aligned and the gravitational force exerted on the two oceans adds.

Thus, if one accepts the theory of bodily tides will have reedited all lunar myths and include the new moon between them.
Finally, the myth that menstrual cycles are governed by lunar cycles involves a mere little trouble approaching.
The average menstrual cycle is 28 days (and that because only 30% of women have periods that differ from less than two days of average) while the lunar cycle is 29.53 days immutable.

A difference of 1 day and a half did not disturb our ancestors who also placed in the root of the word menstruation, the Greek word for moon (menus)
Anyway, those who see something spectacular in the fact that, among all mammals,

 Only the woman has an ovulation cycle more or less like the moon, is neglecting the little opossum, marsupial similar the possum, native to the Americas’ opossum (opossum) has a cycle of about 28 days.

One can imagine the mysterious plan that would allow only women and cocas an ovulation cycle almost equal to lunar


Thursday 9 January 2014

13. Government-approved health insurance

Arabian is called a government-approved health insurance?
Arabian is (still) not recognized by the government and is not supervised by the "Health Care Insurance" (CvZ). Arabian is a caring community that wants to promote.
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 Based on solidarity, self-determination and interconnectedness of our health and wellbeing
What does Arabian to keep the workforce (and operating costs) as low as possible
Arabian is a community of solidarity, supported by small local groups. Anyone who is committed to Arabian does so in solidarity and voluntary.

Arabian has no employees and has no earnings. Except for a small fee per group for the cost of the national website and structuring the group model, all contributed funds and efforts for the benefit of each group.
How do I start my own Artisanal' group?

Short term is the Artisanal website to assist those who answered this question more information. For now we can report that it starts with about 5-15 minded people who live (preferably) close together and set up a local group together. That may be, but need not be.

No official association This group shall designate a contact person who maintains contact with the rural Artisanal and the way in which a group transforms itself. For more information about setting up their own base group and a financial model, click on this link

Anatomy of the Heart

How does our heart affect every part of our body?
The heart pumps approximately five liters of blood per minute round. The heart provides the body with blood containing oxygen and nutrients.

The active tissues use the oxygen and nutrients and are in turn carbon dioxide and waste products in the blood. Carbon dioxide and waste products are transported through the heart to the lungs and kidneys, respectively, where they are excreted. This article briefly discusses the anatomy and physiology of the heart.

Anatomy of the Heart
The heart is a hollow muscle, which consists of two chambers (ventricles) and two atria (atria) exists. In the upper right-hand half of the heart and the inferior vena cava (v cava superior and inferior) nozzles in the atrium (see Figure 1). The pulmonary artery (arterial pull moralist) leaves the right ventricle. In the left atrium, the pulmonary vein flows (pulmonary vein) out. The aorta leaves the left ventricle.

The Atrio-Ventricular valves allow blood from the atria to the rooms. The semi lunar valves allow blood from the ventricles to the pulmonary artery and aorta. Right heart squeezes deoxygenated blood through the pulmonary artery to the lungs where the blood becomes saturated with oxygen.

Via the pulmonary artery oxygenated blood flowing to the left heart. The left ventricle pumps the oxygenated to the rest of the body. This is also the reason that the left ventricle is thicker than the right ventricle. Like the rest of the body also has the heart of nutrients and oxygen. The provision of this is provided by the coronary arteries.

Innervations of the heart

Physiology of the heart at the physiology of the heart the following topics:
• Nerve
• Cardiac Cycle
Innervations of the heart
The heart receives about 70 to 80 pulses per minute through the sinus node. These impulses are slowed down by the AV node. The AV node may generate between 40 to 60 pulses per minute. Itself Via the Purkinje fibers, the pulses are spread further into the heart.
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The pulses ensure that the heart muscle contra heart.
The heart beats at rest 60 to 70 times per minute. Per stroke pumps the blood 65 ml to 75 ml of blood around. From these data, the Cardiac output (SMR) can be calculated. HMV = Stroke volume (SV) x Heart rate (HR). At rest in normal people SMR 5 liters.

During exercise, the heart rate can reach up to 200 beats / minute in young untrained adults. The displacement can be up to 100ml. This has the following consequences for HMV. HMV is 200 x 100 = 20000ml = 20 liters per minute.

Heart Cycle
The cardiac cycle consists of several phases:
• Phase is volume ejection
• is volume relaxation phase
• Filling Stage of the ventricles
Is volume phase:
During this phase contraction of the ventricles, but the volume in the ventricle just does not change.

Monday 6 January 2014

Training as much as possible to reduce fat

If physical activity will burn too many carbohydrates, their number in the blood begin to decline and develop hypoglycemia - a rather unpleasant condition directly related to low blood sugar. How is it manifested? First of all is the unbearable hunger and almost uncontrolled eating behavior, if food is available.

Other symptoms: weakness, confusion attention, sometimes headache, irritability, aggression, depressed mood. Therefore, the tactics - "training as much as possible, the exercise intensity - as high as possible to get tired - so tired, drive themselves, then to barely crawl" we definitely do not fit.

After all, with such loads too intense, accompanied by fatigue and loss of strength, burn fat just does not have time. To make it clear to the untrained human too intensive training is something like running until you drop, a lot of sweat, palpitations, so that seems about to jump out of the heart, the pulse, if you count not less than 140 per minute, from high blood pressure often dark eyes, and always short of breath.

This is when more than 20 breaths per minute and still do not have enough air. Compare the way, for an untrained person to run 500 meters jog - a very heavy load, while any of us could easily go on foot and five kilometers, and, if needed, and all ten.

Physical activities that are better suited for weight loss

For the weight loss process you will enjoy physical exercise, walking, dancing. With every breath they will bring you energy, and you can make a dash away from your former figure to a convenient figure that you have now, when you're telling yourself positive things.
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You will notice that you will feel more confidence and begin to feel better. Life gets better. And when you hear inside skeptical inner voice, tell yourself "stop" ... and find more promising and constructive way to solve these problems. And talk with them in a friendlier manner.

After all, what you are convinced that you and reach. So believe when I tell you that this is true, and more importantly, believe in yourself and believe in what you have done this change, and note that followed. Look for changes that increase the energy that comes back to you now.

What types of physical activity are better suited for weight loss - What diet is good to move more, know even lazy. But let us still be clear: muscle - functionally active tissue consuming for their needs fats and carbohydrates.

The higher activity of the larger muscle consumed nutrients. Important for us to arrange it so that muscle was burnt more fat and less carbohydrates. Why? Yes, because the carbohydrates in the body and so little. And they need to supply the brain.

The weight cannot just disappear overnight

I believe the only reason that really keeps you here - is that you have made all these changes, but on a conscious level, you are not convinced that they occurred. And because the weight cannot just disappear overnight, you are not able to suffer doubts over many months relative to the fantastic work that you are doing.
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Then two weeks later, when the difference really starts to become noticeable, you will take to convince myself that all this was just nonsense, and better - in any case, it is easier and more enjoyable - to go back to their old beliefs harmful. So instead, you can do that here.

You learn the reasons that I have outlined - the reasons why it is important not to know about certain things - and understand how you feel now that you have, no matter what, those factors have changed in the past that prevented you lose weight, although these factors, there has long.

And now let your sections are merged into a single force that can help you move forward and develop. You can reunite and become one. And while you're still somewhat protected something totally different from what protects you before, and you will be able to observe your diet and have fun, you seem very simple affair now there is only healthy organic foods.