Friday 10 January 2014

Myths about the menstrual cycles

Behold another problem for the theory of such bodily tides
 How the gravitational force depends on the distance and how the distance between the Moon and Earth practically does not change (the Moon's orbit is elliptical rather well), the tides are not caused by the moon phase

Yes, the tides are strongest at full moon and new moon, but only because these periods the Moon and Sun are aligned and the gravitational force exerted on the two oceans adds.

Thus, if one accepts the theory of bodily tides will have reedited all lunar myths and include the new moon between them.
Finally, the myth that menstrual cycles are governed by lunar cycles involves a mere little trouble approaching.
The average menstrual cycle is 28 days (and that because only 30% of women have periods that differ from less than two days of average) while the lunar cycle is 29.53 days immutable.

A difference of 1 day and a half did not disturb our ancestors who also placed in the root of the word menstruation, the Greek word for moon (menus)
Anyway, those who see something spectacular in the fact that, among all mammals,

 Only the woman has an ovulation cycle more or less like the moon, is neglecting the little opossum, marsupial similar the possum, native to the Americas’ opossum (opossum) has a cycle of about 28 days.

One can imagine the mysterious plan that would allow only women and cocas an ovulation cycle almost equal to lunar


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