Wednesday 15 January 2014

Feet : Treatment and prevention

1 1 or 2 times depending on the degree of complications in vascular surgery of the foot and by Podiatr recommend checking . Through a special apparatus may check the status of vascular surgical arteries .
2 1 year depending on the condition of the heart and cardiogram to check a few times to start isemiyanın need to dig up commenced .

3 2 -fold expansion in vascular preparations - fleksital , vasdilen , fludilat need to be taken . If you do not angiopatiya , fleksital prophylaxis 400 mg tablet twice a day for 40-60 days 1 , need to be taken 2 times a year . If you have already started to angiopatiya fleksital 400 mg twice a year for a period of 40-60 days is recommended to be taken 2-3 times a day . Sometimes the most powerful tool fleksitalin Amplua issued in the form it is necessary to inject the drug venous drip inside .

 This course is recommended to repeat the treatment 2 times a year . It should be borne in mind , fleksitalin not inject fluid into venous drug spislə . I just drip an hour, hour and a half for the need to transfer . In addition, the veins may affect venous within the fundus yeridərkən fleksital , so you should consult with okulist prior to its adoption .

4 2 times in the course of treatment is the recommended amount of vitamin complexes təyini doctor . At this time qruppları B vitamins , nicotinic acid is recommended setting .
5 If necessary, reduce the level of cholesterol , blood vessel expansion , which restores the structure of the nervous tissues are used in medicines .

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