Monday 6 January 2014

Training as much as possible to reduce fat

If physical activity will burn too many carbohydrates, their number in the blood begin to decline and develop hypoglycemia - a rather unpleasant condition directly related to low blood sugar. How is it manifested? First of all is the unbearable hunger and almost uncontrolled eating behavior, if food is available.

Other symptoms: weakness, confusion attention, sometimes headache, irritability, aggression, depressed mood. Therefore, the tactics - "training as much as possible, the exercise intensity - as high as possible to get tired - so tired, drive themselves, then to barely crawl" we definitely do not fit.

After all, with such loads too intense, accompanied by fatigue and loss of strength, burn fat just does not have time. To make it clear to the untrained human too intensive training is something like running until you drop, a lot of sweat, palpitations, so that seems about to jump out of the heart, the pulse, if you count not less than 140 per minute, from high blood pressure often dark eyes, and always short of breath.

This is when more than 20 breaths per minute and still do not have enough air. Compare the way, for an untrained person to run 500 meters jog - a very heavy load, while any of us could easily go on foot and five kilometers, and, if needed, and all ten.

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