Thursday 16 January 2014

breast cancer

Every cell in our body has a long lifespan . Life span of the cells , the genetic material is written nuvələrindəki . Aging cell , tissue dies after work . This is the last part of the process of "planned cell death ," it said . Difference between cancer cells and other cells , "planned cell death " script go abroad , controlling the blooms .
Who is Kyle Leon?
Healthy couple of times a cell can divide and when to die . Accordingly, cancer cells lose this information , begin to divide uncontrollably and form tumors that arise . If you break the leaves of cancer tumor cells arise , through the blood or lymphatic circulation goes to other parts of the body . To form tumor colonies where they go , and they continue to grow . Spread to other parts of the body , this form of cancer is called metastasis event .

Breast cancers tend to grow very slowly compared to cancers of other organs . Create a mass of 1 cm3 size of a cell, out of control , which means 7-10 years for breast cancer . Therefore, early diagnosis and treatment of these examinations is structured , that could save your life .

WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS breast cancer ?

Chance of success in the treatment of breast cancer and early detection of this disease is the main condition of recuperation . Cancer that has more than a few millimeters in diameter , can be seen even when mammoqrafiyada . In this case, the results of their treatment is successful . Therefore, the analysis of breast cancer patients with very sanslıdırlar often . Cancer symptoms occur when the tumor size of at least 1 cm or greater is reached . However , there is still the possibility of recovery from the disease completely . Therefore , continuous mammoqrafiyalar , ultrasound examination , and the doctor to come , every woman is very important to have knowledge about their own breast . Women's self- examination should focus on the following :

Palpable mass : Breast cancer is the most common symptom is often palpable mass. The crowd came to the hospital with symptoms of a sick feeling in the hand , this is the first time the crowd cyst or tumor to be distinguished . In the fluid-filled cysts are not cancerous and are not dangerous . But the masses of the two -layered solid tumor masses that frequently , these tumors must be examined and accurate diagnosis through a biopsy .

Breast discharge tip : early signs of breast cancer may be the tip of the breast discharge . In such cases, you need to go to the doctor . Discharge itself should flow easily , as a result of the contraction of the mammary gland to discharge is symptom of a disease . To check whether the mammary glands compressing the stream is not true . Discharge from the tip of breast diseases , hormonal diseases , for example , for the first time shortly after breastfeeding and milk channels occurs in diseases .

And the withdrawal of the tip of the symmetry breaking in the breast : breast cancer , many women may be minor differences between the two : one is larger than the other breast , or as the difference between the tips of the symmetry . These early childhood , and it is not a sign of any disease . But sometimes in very rare cases of early stage breast tumors arising at the tip of the right to enter into the causes of breast tip . Previously, both in the case of the normal breast and in an instant the tip of the symmetry or asymmetry of breast tips to enter into one - a very important symptom of breast cancer are considered.

Skin symptoms : Sometimes some of the symptoms of breast cancer occurs in the skin . Especially when it is close to the skin, mammary gland mass and the weight is felt more often by hand , as well as the skin symptoms occur. Mammary gland , but not over the long-term redness , scars , similar to orange peel appearance of the skin of the breast , skin inwards to a point, such as the withdrawal of cases should go to the doctor . Sometimes the breast stroke in the eye of some of the purple - blue color of veins is important for early detection of breast tumors simptomlardandır .

Breast cancer is diagnosed with the disease, ideally before the emergence of the above symptoms and start of treatment .

Diagnosis and treatment of breast

The main methods used for early diagnosis of breast cancer ultrasound and mammoqrafiyadır . Mammoqrafiyada suspicious mass or area ( mikrokalsifikasiya ) was found when the crowd needle biopsy or surgical biopsy is carried out according to the state . Form or in the case of mass can not be determined at MR biopsy can be performed before or instead .

One of the most important methods for diagnosing cancer using the air vent self-examination methods. In other words, women should examine themselves against the risk of illness or doctor come often . In addition to radiological methods biopsiyalara people to examine themselves , and can be considered to undergo periodic medical muayinəsəndən . Bumetodlardan , just one - to put an accurate diagnosis is through biopsy . The other helps you make a decision to carry out a biopsy methods .

Mammography and early diagnosis

Mammography in the early diagnosis of breast cancer as a valuable method for the gold . In the absence of any complaints the patient prevention can be carried out by the weight of the milk glands , breast discharge , or any other application tips for those who are used for diagnostic purposes .

Mammography is like a fingerprint , every woman is different and does not look like any other mammography . Therefore, the results of the examination of the way before you bring the mammoqrafiyanın . The difference between the new one shot before mammography can help diagnosis . When mammography was carried out at the appropriate time and in a painless method. Sikldən menstrual period after milk vəzilərindəki edema , tension and sensitivity due to less sikldən look for more to come next week, mammography examination is appropriate.

Mammography devices : analog , digital or digital -based is complete .

Analog system, the beam traces left on the interpretation of the film . Qurutulan washed reviewed and rated films . In contrast , full- digital or digital -based systems in the evaluation of digital images are read. Then, in order to give the patient being filmed . Analog to digital -based systems , or complete digital systems slowly leaving the location .

Mammography examination, a risk factor for breast cancer , and without complaint , each year as a result of normal women with breast examination should be conducted on a regular basis . Examination carried out on a regular mammography saves lives of patients and society reduces mortality from breast cancer due . And mammography x-ray examination of the lungs from the radiation beam dozadadır muayinəsindəkindən less .

Biopsy : Breast tissue samples were frozen in accordance with the conditions , cut , painted , review under the microscope . In this way the histopathology diagnosis of breast cancer diagnosis , and the only way to accurately diagnose .

Biopsy can be taken in two ways : a needle biopsy and surgical biopsy. Needle biopsy needle to the suspicious area or with the help of pulp tissue sample is taken. Surgical biopsy of a suspicious area or the operating conditions are completely out of the crowd .

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