Wednesday 15 January 2014


If retinopathy is damage to the small blood vessels - the result of mikroangiopatiyanın , feet complications arise due to damage blood vessels and nerves endings . Gives rise to the major arteries of cholesterol yumaqcıqlarını blood sugar , causing deterioration of the permeability of blood vessels . As a result, the conductivity decreases, arteries , tissues, the blood supply is disrupted , weakening the flow of blood , tissues, blood circulation difficult.

Thus , your feet are exposed to two types of changes : changes to diabetic ( which deals with the treatment of the paw on the physician's professional Podiatr ) and xolesterininin medium and large arteries as a result of damage related to high- level changes ( vascular surgeon deals with these diseases ) . Sometimes it happens that with the change to the appearance of both the treatment of cardiovascular and vascular surgery Podiatr holds together . According to the development of drug therapy is the treatment of Podiatrın pəncələrin . Cərahları vascular surgical operations being carried out by the leg veins . Diabetic foot complications from diabetes was frequent , the doctor Endocrinology it has good information , but it would be better to deal with the treatment of Podiatr .

There is a wide variety of symptoms during therapy so that they can operate together or separately, these are :

feet feeling cold ;
loss of sensations and numbness in the feet ;
At the touch of a piece of clothing and bedclothes gəlmiyən pleasant feeling of thirst (most nights of the show itself ) ;
occasional strong keyləsməsi pəncələrin ;
atrophy of the muscles ;
sıyrıntıların poor wound healing : healing and recovery after 1-2 weeks instead of 1-2 months, dark scars remain
If baldırlarda quiet nights of intense pain

Further development of the new stages of the disease - atherosclerosis , which leads to the lower extremities obliterassiya . The initial sign of the disease is due to the pain that baldırlarda time to move , causing the patients own stride . So stop - stop on the walk of pain patients .

Stadiyalarda later than the following symptoms occurs :
1 proqresləsir atrophy of muscles ;
2 goyumtul take on the color of the lower extremities are cold ;
3 abrasions , minor wounds heal may occur .

Formation and healing of wounds later regenerassiya cells ( recovery ) that is linked to a decline in capacity , it is the result of a complete angiopatiya and neyropatiyanın . Pəncədəki sore feet and very carefully for any change in the approach you need to take control of the first legs, abrasions , scab ( for example, mosquito bites , while goynəmə ) is necessary to protect second form , if you come to any wound , the doctor should be consulted. So there is a fear of the wound gangrene transformation , it is now practical guidance developed through special preparations and methods need to be treated .
Diabetic gangrene for many reasons : mikrotravmalar chronic diseases , causing frost or burning , calluses , or the nail may occur as a result of entering into the meat . There are different types of diabetic qanqrenanın (dry , wet etc. ) , but we do not have a classification , the basic facts of this dreadful disease concerns.

Above, we showed qanqrenanın reasons , it is necessary to know the following :
1 gangrene of foot and toes are most often occurs after trauma ;
2 pain is a very painful time of gangrene ;
3 qangrenanın surgical intervention is the only treatment that has damaged the region's amputation (if it is not operated on the patient will die of intoxication ) ;
4 amputation of the upper border of healthy tissue is damaged nahiyyənin carried out . This means that if the thumb of the foot qanqrenadırsa , all you have to pəncəni , if you lose a leg and foot injured leg, mid- old boy .

We have noted above that the only part of the body is injured foot during angiopatiya diabetic , this disease affects the arteries leading to the heart and brain nutrition breaks . Therefore you need to carefully monitor the condition of the heart and brain symptoms .

Neyropatiyasının angiopatiyası lower extremities , and when it started to develop its initial stadiyası ? Many of these factors - the patient's age , when ill , and what type of diabetes , duration of diabetes, disease , and most importantly, the resistance of the organism to maintain blood glucose depends on the quantity . If the blood sugar is too high angiopatiya constantly , and neuropathy within a year , but in other cases may develop within 2-10 years . Is offset by better blood sugar , blood sugar is always kept close to normal limits , that is being developed at an early age goca these cases , rather than the diabetic changes , not age-related . Formation and neyropatiyanın Angiopatiya smoking , arterial hypertension , there is a very negative role .

It should be noted that the blood supply to the joints as a result of angiopatiya violated , it causes damage to the joints , and age-related processes have intensified : it implies that the thinning of the cartilage tissue eaten , salt deposition occurs , ( ) is a joint development of the bones of the grooves . The resulting motion is limited , and the joints of the toes , heel , knee , elbow , thigh - the pelvis , shoulder joints , spine pain arises . Angiopatiya patients aged 70 or older and not so great neyropatiyanın threat : disease eventually led to gangrene cıxartmırsa proqresləsirsə and accidents such people live their lives . Ages 30-60 who are active in humans, however, the situation is quite different . First of all - life complications during the next few decades , it may be more severe in the second - with the continuation of a longer life is more likely that the formation of gangrene . That's why the initial negative symptoms began his feet as the must-see events . Unfortunately, even in its initial stages and this is not an exhaustive treatment of neuropathy Stadium angiopatiya and can take 8-15 years . Prevent the deterioration of the situation to further expansion of the cardiovascular drugs , drugs that reduce pain , although the best method of treatment for diabetes is a good compensation . Good condition in diabetes , the blood sugar does not as high as in previous years , the small blood vessels and nerve regeneration ( recovery ) begins , resulting in numbness in the foot , and there is a feeling of thirst , abrasions heal better baslayırBu recovery process is very slow - you only 1-2 years during the normal level ( 9mmol / l above ) that can keep blood sugar can feel the improvement . However, the recovery is underway and this is the best tool in the fight against angiopatiya .

It should be noted that changes in the feet , both type 1 and type 2 diabetes is developing in the same way , but here perspektivalar different. Type 1 diabetes is not possible to have enough konpensassiyaya , this is very bad . Because the only means konpensassiyanin insulin and diet does not help , there is no other remedy .
The situation is different in patients with Type II diabetes : the insulin does not effect glucose lowering pills may apply . However, there is the psychological factor is very important , and this fear of insulin and glucose lowering agents in patients despite no help from their many years setting , resulting in the formation of many chronic complications . One of our goals is to educate our patients with diabetes and discourage such səhflərdən . So the only solution to avoid səhflərin insulinlər , syringes , injection methods , knowledge about hipoqlekemiya to learn .

So if you reduce the sugar pills does not help you , it is not necessary to wait for the appearance of complications , and insulin must comply with the doctor's advice . Inyeksiyasına insulin will need to go through , but in the event of complications murrəkəbləsir . Insulin resistance after 1-2 years , you will feel that you can not achieve appropriate kompensassiyaya , improves vision , a feeling of coldness ayagınızdaki disappears . Unfortunately , however , it is not possible to completely treat angiopatiyanı - then you have already created.

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