Friday 10 January 2014


Myth: Cold weather makes you patient
"This myth is common worldwide, but it is not true,” said Freeman My Health News Daily.
Studies have shown that they can feel more cold symptoms - real or imagined - when we are in the cold (after all, a cold is called a cold for a reason), but the temperature does not make us more susceptible to . Virus

This is known since at least 1968, when a study in the New England Journal of Medicine showed what happened when the researchers exposed people cold to rhinovirus (one cause of the common cold).

Trembling was in a room cold or stuttering in a bath of ice, people were no more likely to get sick but only after coming into contact with germs from the cold than those who were in temperatures more comfortable.

And if you're already sick, there's no reason you cannot leave to the cold
While rest is good for a diseased body , temperatures cold will not make a difference in recovery time, Freeman said.
 Indeed, while the research is in its early stages, " it is possible that exposure to cold can even help your body somehow, "she said.

Some scientists speculate that colds are more common in the colder months because people stay at home more , interacting more closely with each other and giving the germs more opportunities to spread.

Taking Myth of liquid during fattening meals?
 Some consider a glass of soda or any other liquid essential at mealtime.
Others are totally against drinking any kind and / or amount of liquid in the schedule of food and then? Net take during fattening meals? Check it out here.

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