Friday 10 January 2014

What to do during pregnancy

Drinking during pregnancy is more culturally acceptable in Europe and Australia, where the woman pregnant drink more openly than in the United States. But many doctors in the United States , as Dr. Michael Brooder , author of " Panic -Free Pregnancy " ( Perigee Trade , 2004) , also quietly allow their patients  had one drink alcohol occasionally - particularly after the first trimester .
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Myth: Chewing gum stays in your stomach for long.
Myth: Chewing gum stays in your stomach for 7 years.
While it is true that many of the ingredients of the gum , such as resins and waxes , are indigestible , that does not mean that they are our intestines an eternity.

Plenty of what we eat - even things that are recommended to eat as fiber - is indigestible. But the system digestive is a piece of sturdy machine organic, and anything that does not can absorb moves along.

Spite of rigidity and consistency strange chewing gum , " it passes straight through your digestive tract and into the toilet , " explained Freeman .
Myth: You should wait an hour after eating before swimming.
Myth: You should wait an hour after eating before going swimming.

This myth has ruined many summer afternoons , forcing young and old to swelter while fresh water motions - all because they were careless enough and will eat one pachinko and .

Let the ban be lifted : There's no particular reason not to swim after eating, Freeman said  Truth, any kind of vigorous exercise can be uncomfortable (though not dangerous ), after a banquet huge .

But for the majority of web - whose border ague have the dining experience includes sand sprinkled fries and sandwiches - This and a concern.

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